so i tried to blog once. quite literally, once. i set it all up, posted one blog, and then promptly quit.
follow through is a problem for me.
but i am turning over a new leaf! i vow, with every ounce of my non-commital being, to blog, blog, blog as i've never blogged before! (which shouldn't be too difficult, seeing as i've never actually blogged before).
and what might i be blogging about? why, all things crafty!
i'll bring you regular updates on my personal projects, the trials and tribulations of making stuff (the easy and fun part) and trying to sell it (the difficult part for a non-business minded person such as myself).
i'll also post beautiful things from around the web that serve as inspiration for me (and hopefully you, too!)
so thank you for reading. i hope to keep you entertained, so check back often, and send me some love through comments!
way to go jill!! lets see what you can blog about in between that day job and those crafty evenings. your stuff is fabulous!
I love your blog JP!! I am so proud of you!
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