
plantable paper

i paid a visit to my friend christopher over at porridge papers today. there was cheesecake made by sam. sam makes the best cheesecake. ever.

i digress.

while i was there, christopher informed me that he has a little obsession, an obsession with plantable paper. to feed that obsession, he has started a website that features his handmade plantable goodies.

wondering what i mean by plantable paper? it's lovely paper chock full of seeds, so instead of throwing it away, you plant it in your garden, water it, and watch it grow!

you can even pick custom colors and seed types. cool! (what a great, eco-friendly idea for wedding invitations, don't you think mom?)

don't forget to visit the porridge papers blog for shop updates!

1 comment:

christopher said...

thank for the post! by the way i love the bunnies.

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